Monday 20 September 2010

Western video

Still images we made into a clip to help us when we make still image movies like anamatics. 
I produced this video in class today. I enjoyed this task although I think, in time i could improve my end product.  It was useful to practice  some of the techniques I had been learning in the last couple of weeks on both photoshop and final cut. If I was to attempt to do this task again i would wanted to create more of an allusion of one reading a book by adding more 'page peel' transitions and also created more scenes. I created the slides on photoshop then imported them onto Final Cut to edit. I also collected a few images from google and then 'photo-shopped' them by adding effects such as smudge until i was happy with them. Before creating this video we had to make a story line of about 6 shots in our books, a few of the scenes i created in my book were close ups of cowboys, i tried quite a lot of different ways of creating a cowboy on photoshop such as getting a stencil and using the pen tool and just having a go at drawing it on photoshop. In the end i couldn't get an image i was pleased of so i got them from google and photo-shopped them so it was more original while adding a cowboys hat in the corner of each slide to slowly dissolve into each slide as if it was the logo of the story.

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