Monday 11 October 2010

Creative Common

A common liscence means that people who upload and share content such as pictures on the web are able to make money by sharing their work without needing to sell it.

Creative Commons Website:
Creative Commons Search Engine: 
Creative Commons is a copyright license created to allow others to use work that somebody has created in there own productions free of charge. There are 4 different parts of the licence that the created has the option to control which ones apply to their work.
by:This means you allow others to copy, edit, contribute to and display the work you have created as long as they give credit to you in the way that you request.
Share AlikeShare Alike
sa:Share alike means that you allow others to distribute your work as long as they keep it under a license identical to the one the original creator used.
nc:The creator lets others copy, edit, contribute to and display the work or other derivative works as long as it is used for non-commercial use only.
No Derivative WorksNo Derivative Works
nd:Lets others copy and use the work as long as it stays in its original form and is not changed in any way.

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