Saturday, 30 October 2010

James Ward second session.

In the second session with James Ward he taught us about the other types of model making. He also talked about the different factors that effect model making such as the time spent and materials used and also different types of tools used.
He showed us a few of the tools he uses, he said the best tools are the ones you make yourself! He uses different types of brushes for creating effects and also bits of wire if you are wanting to create a scar like effect. He showed us how you achieve these different effects and we all had a go at making a scar, i made a bullet hole which he said looked effective. First we created a lump then inbed the scar with a tool that we choose and cut around it, i then grazed with a brush and last i used a powder that reminded me of talcon powder to make it look more like the colour of skin, 
(He once spent £8 on one small-paintbrush sized tool)  

He gave us a mask that we passed around the class, the mask had one half of the face had a lot blood and gore and the other half looked more like a really old man with lots of wrinkles and fine detail.  

This is a picture the mask before it was painted with lots of detail to make it look more real.

The detail on this mask focused on using texture and colour to create realistic skin defects and damage, such as boils, scars, wounds, warts and burns. 
I am thankful to James Wood for giving his time to help us learn about this area of creative art. I knew little about the use of masks before these sessions and found it interesting to learn about the work that goes into designing, fitting and making them. 

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