Tuesday 22 March 2011

Research, Planning, Construction. Feedback from my class of our rough cut

 These are some good feedback we got from our video, i was pleased that people in our class liked the location and thought it looked professional. I think the location could have looked very bad if we didn't have the lighting and the different angles used. It was also nice to hear that people liked the performance despite hearing this i still think my lip syncing could have been better! But i want to change angles where my lip syncing doesn't look totally in time to another angle where it is if possible. We have decided to re record the story line of our music video in another location, we are thinking of going to town and record it at perhaps christ piece of jesus green. We'll be shooting this Wednesday.

Negative Feedback. 

I have also made a facebook group this morning and invited some friends to receive feedback from a wider audience. 

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