Tuesday 1 March 2011

Planning. Time management

Time management is very important as we have to try to complete our perfomance side of our video by next Friday.
This is my weeks plan for us to be able to complete this
1. find places to film and make sure we have permission to film and it's accessible.

2.find performers if we decide to have more than just the main artist in the video, i.e backing dancers.

3. Get all the lighting sorted

4.Make sure all props are ready to film.

5. Make a story board for our music video

6. Film Our perfomance side of the video!

Thursday - find places to film our perfomance side of the video
Friday - Make sure we can get all the lighting
Weekend - get all props ready
Monday - Start story board
Tuesday - First shots for our perfomance side of the video, rehearsals, practise shots
Wednesday - same as tuesday!
Thursday - Shooting perfomance side of the video.

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