Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile, in which players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield.
the game was first released for Apple's iOS in December 2009. Since that time, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple's App Store,
Rovio Mobile has supported Angry Birds with numerous free updates that add additional game content,
The initial iOS version of the game included a single episode entitled "Poached Eggs," which contained three themed groups of levels, each with 21 levels. From time to time, Rovio has released free upgrades that include additional content, such as new levels, new in-game objects and even new birds. As updates have been released, they have been incorporated into the game's full version offered for download from each platform's application store
Since release, the free, limited version of Angry Birds has been downloaded over 11 million times for Apple's iOS, and the full-featured paid version has been downloaded nearly 7 million times as of September 2010.[
Near the end of 2010, Rovio stated that it was developing new ports of the game, this time for devices outside of the mobile phone market. In January 2011, three of those ports launched. First, Sony announced the North American release of Angry Birds for its PlayStation Portable handheld system in the form of a PlayStation mini game that includes the first episode's 63 levels; the version is also playable on the PlayStation 3.[34] Next, Rovio released a Windows version of the game, available for sale exclusively from Intel's AppUp center, which included 195 levels at launch and plans for exclusive features not available on the smartphone versions.[35] One day after the Windows version was released, the Mac App Store launched, with one of the first offerings being its own version of Angry Birds.[36] Ports of Angry Birds are also proposed for the Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo DS systems.[37][26][22][38] In October 2010,Microsoft suggested on one of its websites that a Windows Phone 7 version of Angry Birds was in development. After Rovio complained that Microsoft had not asked permission to make such a statement, noting that it had not committed to design a Windows Phone version, Microsoft was requested to revise its site to remove references to the game
Angry Birds is an addictive puzzler distributed by Rovio Mobile, available for play on the iPhone and iPad. In the game, some greedy green pigs made the mistake of going after birds' eggs
The game has sold over 5 million copies in the span of 6 months, giving it the most explosive growth of any iPhone game. Those 5 million copies have earned Angry Birdsmore than $3.1 million in sales (listed as over 2 million GBP in the article with The Sun). It's also the #1 paid app in several countries worldwide, including the US, Russia, India and France.
in honor of the one-year anniversary of the release of Angry Birds, Rovio Mobile announced that the game had been downloaded 50 million times, with more than 12 million on iOS devices[19] and 10 million on Android
In August 2010, Angry Birdswas made available to the Palm Pre phone running Palm's webOS operating system through its App Catalog online store.[25] Symbian^3 phones received a version of the game in October 2010,[26]
Angry birds production was developed by finland based rivio mobile
Angry birds was released in december 2009 and since has sold over 12million coppies of the game
Rovio Mobile has supported Angry Birds with numerous free updates that add additional game content,
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