Sunday 23 January 2011

Research. My Record Label and Logo.

Blast Records, this is my original design, i decided to go for a blue background in the end. I think this gives the label a more surfy pop feel. I decided to add the touch of a gun as the label is called 'Blast'.
I like the way i have underlined almost every letter in blast but the B which i made bigger. I think the font is quite surfy as well but over all i don't think this looks professional enough and the gun doesn't look quite right.

This is my final logo, i think the design is very simple yet effective. The font is very bold and somehow reminds me of titles of films and posters that are about guns and fighting. I think that gives a good effect for my record label 'Blast'.
I like my black and white(dare i say grey) version of this logo better. I think if Blast was a real record label they would be an indie rock label who would sign well known bands like MGMT and Kasabain.
This is another version of the label, i was trying to add some sort of symbol to the label to make it stand out more, unfortunately the few things i tried didn't look great to it so i have decided to stick to my original label design with just the record name. I like my black and white version because the 'colours' mix together better.

i liked the black and white version of this one so much i decided to play around with it adding different colours and decided to use it as my final, final logo design! I thought the paint look for the writing would look more original than just filling them in with the paint bucket on photoshop. I used the brush tool to colour in each letter, leaving little bits of white at random points so it looks like it has been painted.

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