Friday 21 January 2011

Research. Three Album Covers finished

Today i finished my three album covers for the band Cut Copy. I chose this band as i read in NME a long time ago they rejected a tour with Lady Gaga so was intrigued into how songs by them might sound despite having one of their songs on my ipod.
I'm not keen on my design with the middle album, at the time i thought it was a clever idea to get a cut and copy sign for the album cover, but now looking at it it doesn't look very effective. I used radio's to create the sense that it's a music album
I really like the colour of pink and the font used in the third album cover, i think the pink goes really well with the black background.
Listening to the album made me think of so many different idea's, all of which i thought were abstract and colourful.
The original album cover has the full band on the front faded on with lots of colours almost ghostly which explains the name 'In Ghost Colours'
As one of my original idea's i tried to create the ghost colour effect but it didn't work for what i was trying to scapped it.

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