Saturday 29 January 2011

Research. Random Album Cover

This was the first name that came up on random wikipedia and i have to stick with it as my band name. Luc Mbah a Moute.

This is the random wikipedia page link
Then i went to and the last five ish words from the last quote had to be my album title, i got use your eyes, not your ears. Which i thought was actually quite a nice album title.

I then had to go to: on this link it was the third picture that had to be my album cover. I got a nice photo of a snowy field with the sun shining. 

While making the album cover, i wanted to use a font that suited the name '

Luc Mbah a Moute.' So i searched for a long time trying to find the right font. I then found a font called 'Trajanus' which i thought worked well. The band name sounded like they might be from a warm country with latin like music, the picture i had was of i decided to use the effect 'Difuse Glow' which made the picture look a lot brighter. 

This was the original image. 

I tried lots of different styles with the title, not much would fit. I thought having the title go down the page from top to bottom would be a nice effect to add, but it didn't seem to look good with this album. In the end i just put it at the bottom of the album in smaller letters than the name of the band which is at the top of the album. 

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