Tuesday 9 November 2010

Cottage and Doghouse comparison

I could tell the Cottage was more of a typical horror film the moment the music started to play and the first scene of the mist in the country side. The Cottage definitely had a lot of aspects of horror in the opening sequence, with the two guys in the dark in the middle of the country and a lady tied up in the boot of their car when i think that Doghouse didn't have much of a typical horror opening sequence. The title was the big give away for me that Doghouse was a horror film, yet it was all shot in daylight with all the men seeming to have girl problems which isn't a typical start to a horror movie. The other things that i had to look out for that could make Doghouse a horror were the red shoe, the comic book store of Matt who seemed to take the comics very seriously and Patricks wife or lady friend throwing a glass object at him as he leaves the room.
The music in Doghouse was quite rocky and not what i would have put to the introduction if i was wanting to add suspense to make it a horror but it worked for the sort of lad bromance film i thought it could have been. I found Doghouse more interesting to watch than the Cottage although the Cottage definitely had more suspense to it and made me want to keep watching.

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