Today i watched the opening credits to the film Dog House. There are 7 main characters in the film Dog House, Vince, Neil, Graham, Mickey, Patrick and Matt.
The Film is set in London with the first scene being shown was the London eye and the river Thames.
The Character Vince seems to be very lazy. His apartment was a complete mess and there were half eaten curry containers by his bed. His Alarm went off a 1 in the afternoon and he still turned it off and wanted to sleep this also represents how lazy he is.
The Character Neil doesn't seem to respect women very much and seems like he is used to getting a lot of them as he doesn't remember the name of the girl he seemed to have slept. He seems to be Rich wearing a leather jacket and has a very nice convertable open top car. he talks in a typical london accent and is rude calling the girl a dog as he drives off.
The Character Graham seems quite argumentative as the opening scene is of him arguing with a guy who i would say seems typically gay. He then walks out saying ' No girls allowed darling' in a gay accent to the guy who i think is gay this shows the Graham is quite a sarcastic and doesn't respect the other guys feelings very much. He looks like he has a good job as he has a suitcase and a nice blue shirt on.
The character Mikey seems to be quite funny but also a very loyal friend as he wants to re-pay his friend over what his wife wants. I think he still cares about being with his wife as he glewed her wedding ring onto her finger so she couldn't take it off.
The character patrick doesn't seem to respect his wife or what she says or wants. He doesn't listen to her and seems like she stresses him out so has some 'sonic stress therepy' on his Ipod that he listens to instead of his wife or women he is living with rant at him.
The character Matt doesn't like kids, he seems very protective over his comic and gets very annoyed at the kid when he calls the comic 'stupid'. Matt then shouts at him telling him to get out and calling him a nobhead as he leaves.
All the guys in pub getting drunk.
By watching just the introduction credits to Doghouse i wouldn't have noticed it being a horror straight away. I had to look closely at the scenes to notice it was, aMatt who sells comics had a lot of horror like things on the walls of his shop and seemed to believe in those kinds of things, this was one of my clues that it would be a horror another was The Woman who chucks her red shoe at Neil and it’s a red heel, red represents danger on a woman or it normal leads the man to danger. The Title to the credit sequence is also a big give away it's a horror with bits of blood splashed on the white lettering.
It seems all the guys have got women problems of some sort and want to go out with all the lads again.
It feels as if horror is not the only genre i would put this film under, I think romance will come into it with the women problems and a bit of comedy too.
Doghouse is a Carnaby Film Porduction
Produced in association with hanover films
The credits printed on the screen are white with sort of black smudges on them which give out a good effect.
The music at the end when they are all in the pub is rocky which i think also shows that the film is recent and might have some comedy in the horror
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