Tuesday 9 November 2010


The first  minimalistic poster i created on photoshop was one with just two needles. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, i think the needles explain the film Imonster quite well considering it is only a black background with needles, the needles represents the drugs Dr Marlowe experimented with and injected people and himself with.

The other  minimalistic poster i made because i wanted to represent good and bad. By doing this i tried to get two faces that were the same but one being a devil and the other an angel , i thought of this because of the effects the drug has. It makes a grumpy old man really nice, and has a very bad effect on Marlowe who is not grumpy or bad.
I also tried to make it modern day by putting a pot of pills at the top and a marijuana leaf as i think things kind of drugs have effects like this on people nowadays! 

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