Sunday 14 November 2010

This weeks time managment

Today i have been mixing around on garage band with music for our title opening sequence to the movie Imonster, I've found this fun and think I've created and found some very good sounds for our movie with a good mix to choose from for the opening as I've got upbeat music to slow music that makes you feel the movie is going to be something scary and deep.
We need to manage our time this week, by doing this i have planned out what i aim to do for this week(it may not all go to plan but at least it's a plan)
Monday - finish music and make sure we have all props prepared and available to video. - think of more idea's I.E dialogue if we are going to have any speech in our opening sequence.
Tuesday - reahearse what we are going to video
Wednesday - start to video some scenes of our video to make sure everything works.
Thursday - edit credits and cartoon effects onto shots video'd on photoshop
Friday - catch up on everything that needs to be done.

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