Wednesday 24 November 2010

Shooting the video today and talking about the music choice.

Today we had many idea's about what music to do for our opening credit of Imonster.
We decided on making the music on garage band as a more horror classical piece, then in the last scene we have Dr Marlowe walking out the door. We thought of another possible shot at the end of Dr Marlowe putting on his ipod and as he presses play to the song the song will fade in over the original soundtrack as the soundtrack fades out.
We had some discussion of what the song would be, in the end i came out with Monster by The Automatic, i thought this was very good for the ending of our credits as the lyrics are 'whats that coming over the hill is it a monster, is it a monster'
I think this song at the end of our credits would definitely create the witty comedy feel to the clip.

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